East Bay Real Estate Report – December 2020
Oakland-Berkeley Inner East Bay Real Estate A Strange Year Begins Winding Down December 2020 Report In this report, the Inner East Bay Region consists of the cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Piedmo...
Oakland-Berkeley Inner East Bay Real Estate A Strange Year Begins Winding Down December 2020 Report In this report, the Inner East Bay Region consists of the cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Piedmo...
After living in Rockridge for six years, we decided to look for a place to call our own. For months we had been searching for the perfect home and were unsuccessful. One night we went out to look at a...
Greater Oakland-Berkeley Region, Inner East Bay Real Estate Markets November 2020 Report with Emphasis on City Market Dynamics The first 2 graphs reflect Alameda County data, which generally tra...
Oakland-Berkeley Inner East Bay Region Real Estate 7 Months into the Pandemic October 2020 Report The table below compares Q3 statistics across 5 years. Median and average house values continu...
What was it like when you first found this home? Finding our home on Colby Park was like discovering a secret garden. We had lived in the neighborhood for a year before we even knew that Colby Park...
September 2020 Report Surprisingly, the terrible fires did not significantly impact the number of deals being made in most Bay Area counties during the last 2 weeks of August – the exceptions bei...
Few things are as overwhelming as moving to a new city and knowing nothing about it. Often, the first thing that comes to mind when considering a new city is the type of neighborhood to live. Choosing...
Shop around Unlike when you are buying a home in an extremely competitive market, you don’t need extremely tight timelines so I highly advise that you shop around. The typical lenders that we...
The Greater Oakland-Berkeley Inner East Bay Real Estate Market August 2020 Report Depending on the statistic and source of data, this report will generally pertain to cities of the “Inner Ea...